Flexible Order Management
Unprecedented flexibility. Completely customizable.

Circle builds your system around you.
Thanks to our Adaptable Objects™ technology, each and every module within a Circle system can be easily modified to fit your unique needs. That's flexible order management!
Missing something? We can build any new feature within the existing system - no hacky add-ons.
Your business doesn't work like every other business - so why should your system?
No need for unnecessary "bloat". If you don't need it, we'll remove it.
Flexible order management begins with the ability to add features specific to any client. We know that our system won't necessarily have every feature you need straight out of the box - so we created our Adaptable Objects™ technology to allow us to create new features and modules that seamlessly integrate with our base order management/ERP package, CircleHub.
We don't believe in side spreadsheets or hacky workarounds - so if you need new functionality, we're prepared to build it (and no, it won't cost an arm and a leg!)
Of course, since this new functionality is being added specifically for YOUR system - then it will be built YOUR way! Well ... we might give you the benefit of 25 years of experience, but - we'll work with you to make it great!
Curious how we do it?
This is where Adaptable Objects™ truly shines. ANY feature, module, field, or aspect of the CircleHub system can be easily modified - and more than that, it was built to be modified. We customize each and every system that we implement to the needs of that business, ranging from small tweaks to full blown reworks.
Want to see it in action? We're happy to demo our base CircleHub system and show you just how effective having a flexible order management system can be!
At Circle, we believe above all else that your system should work for YOU. That obviously includes additions and modifications, but we also believe that you should be able to remove what you don't need - that's what flexible order management is all about!
Modules and features that you don't use make your system bloated and unnecessarily complex. Thanks to Adaptable Objects™, we can easily subtract what you aren't using - with no downstream implications on the features that you do need.